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Welcome to my humble abode
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Tuesday, 29 April 2008


Hi everybody, I'd like to thank you for viewing and your continued support, as it's you guys out there that keep this running.

Now I'd like to say that recently, I came across this jasper little character:

A Duck Hyphen Mouse!
DSC04927.JPG   taxidermy, duck, preserved, rodent, skin, stuffed, feet, diving, chimera, hanging, boots, stuff, mouse, rat, diver, mutant, doll, Instructables TV

I thought this was a bit weird at first...then I thought it was just intellect - fantastic!
And yes it is real, an individual has taken the feet off a duck and made them upon a mouse.

It is not right to persue this sort of activity and it makes me feel hostile as the creator seems to be playing the role of God.

Words from one of the creators:

"Evolution or God, or whatever made a lot of mistakes in designing mice, the main one is that they don' have these big duck feet"

Hey, all you users can view it for yourselves! Take a look guys:

This man is overthrowing science and closing his eyes to religion all at the same time!

It could be a breakthrough if we could start playing the role of God like this. Since mouse are already adequate swimmers, the addition of duck feet could enable them to be among the elite ocean predators as they will have unrivaled velocity capacities. Although i can't see the benefit for the mouse as there is no cheese in the sea..... OR IS THERE?

Here I can show you just how agile a mouse is when it comes to activity in water:

Many pundits have put it side by side with the tadpole in its uniqueness.
however when the tadpole evolutes into the frog organism, it spells t.r.o.u.b.l.e for the mouse (mammal):

In finale, i have to divulge that had the mouse been able to live in the sea, it would have been wiped out as a species by the bullfrog, which infact eats anything that looks at it:

They even eat eachother:

he's consumed a possible allie or lifetime companion there.

Now, if we take a fast-train in our brains back to the topic, even though there are duck feet, the mouse organism looks natural and very happy.
He draws simalirities to this old cartooning hero:

(Splinter from turtles)   taxidermy, duck, preserved, rodent, skin, stuffed, feet, diving, chimera, hanging, boots, stuff, mouse, rat, diver, mutant, doll, Instructables TV
Although he was a rat.

If I was a mouse, I would dislike being plugged into a USB port


Hi guys, I've just discovered this adorable computer mouse. I thought well done towards the creators...

mousemouse.jpg   mouse, mice, taxidermy, skin, computer, hardware, wetware, bad puns, USB

....but the mouse is actually real! :

PICT0006.jpgmouse, mice, taxidermy, skin, computer, hardware, wetware, bad puns, USB

I can imagine it going something like this hehehe chuckle:

I bet he would be turning in his grave if he could, but he's hooked up to a computer, so he can't... but then again, mice don't get graves so it doesn't really matter in the end since its dead.

I dont think this is quite right but I'd still like to have a ginger one..