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Thursday 27 March 2008

a monkey slash man

MONKEY MAN!? ...I think not!

Hi viewers, thanks for viewing my first ever post on the site. I'd like to tell you the site is just a right chill out zone.

..Soooo lets cut the idle chat guys- my long awaited first piece of input will be this so called "monkey/man":



When people walked in the "monkey" man's home, he was squatting on a wooden stool and wearing a shirt. With his brother's help, he got down from the stool and walk a few steps by his two legs. But after this few steps, he uses his hands to walk as monkeys do, especially on a uprising road.

I am to this day unsure if monkey/man is make belief or not, or even which person monkey man is in the above photograph (photograph curtousy of the loveley guys at XINHAUNET - thanks fellas)...

After my second look, the human- like organsim on the left would appear to be the monkey/man because monkeys can't tell the time using this type of instrument (they use the sun), and the man on the right obtains a watch on his leftside wrist.

Therefore, a weird fact has been aroused! : the monkey/man is dressed better than star trek guy on the right.

My Conclusion:

This genetically different man is not, as widely (wrongly) reported, a monkey man.

As the picture shows, the man dubbed monkey/man actually has 3 fingers. He therefore cannot be genetically classed as a monkey/man, but as SLOTH MAN:

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The 3-fingered sloth
I cannot explain at the moment why the sloth is being treated as a human baby in a cot.
this will be researched in a later post.