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Tuesday 29 April 2008

If I was a mouse, I would dislike being plugged into a USB port


Hi guys, I've just discovered this adorable computer mouse. I thought well done towards the creators...

mousemouse.jpg   mouse, mice, taxidermy, skin, computer, hardware, wetware, bad puns, USB

....but the mouse is actually real! :

PICT0006.jpgmouse, mice, taxidermy, skin, computer, hardware, wetware, bad puns, USB

I can imagine it going something like this hehehe chuckle:

I bet he would be turning in his grave if he could, but he's hooked up to a computer, so he can't... but then again, mice don't get graves so it doesn't really matter in the end since its dead.

I dont think this is quite right but I'd still like to have a ginger one..